Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gamma-Tocotrienols may help reduce fat cell numbers

Tocotrienols are a subset of the vitamin E family, and, until now, have not got as much attention. This may change things.

The tocopherols are the darlings of the vitamin E family, and always have been. Alpha tocopherol was the first to be discovered, and for a very long time it was thought to be the only active form. Now we know much more about this family of nutrients and it is getting very interesting.

There are four types of the tocopherols, alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. The natural form of these are noted with the prefix d-. The reason for pointing this out is the fact that much of the vitamin E on the market is the l- form, or synthetic. This brings us to the newest discovery in the vitamin E family, the tocotrienols. There are also four types of the tocotrienols, alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. This brings the total to eight (8) forms of this fat soluble family.

Since the discovery of the tocotrienols much research has been done on them as to various health benefits. They have shown to have good results in protecting the cardiovascular system as well as many other health benefits. Now we have the most recent research that shows they may help in hte battle of the waistline as well.

Researchers from National Taiwan University have found that palm tocotrienols, palm being one of the most readily available sources of tocotrienols, has "inhibitory actions" on fat cells. They tested different forms of the vitamin E for their anti-proliferate effects on 3T3-L1 adipocytes (fat cells).

what they discovered was the gamma-tocotrienol "causes disruption in mitochondrial membrane potential and increases ROS (radical oxygen species) generation, which ultimately lead to fat cell death".

"This particular study further shows that gamma-tocotrienol is the most effective form of vitamin E in reducing fat cell numbers via regulating specific signaling pathways....which underscores the benefit of using it as a natural supplement in managing obesity".

Knowing that there are many other benefits of taking the tocotrienols, this just adds one more reason, maintaining a healthy number of fat cells.

As more research comes to light there are sure to be more interesting benefits found for this little known form of the vitamin E family.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Berberine, may not be magic, but very close!

Berberine. Never heard of it, right? Don't feel alone, unless you have studied alternative medicine for many years, you would have not had the opportunity to 'bump' into Bernerines.

Berberine is a quaternary ammonium salt from the protoberberine group of isoquinolline alkaloids. Ok, so what is it really? It is an extract from, plants like the Oregon grape, goldenseal, Californian poppy, usually from the root and rhizomes. These you have probably heard of. These extracts have been used for thousands of years to treat problems like Candida overgrowth, yeast infections, parasites, even bacterial and viral infections. Recently, in the past 5 to 10 years, research has come to light showing the many other properties of berberine.

One of the most fascinating aspects of berberine use is in the field of diabetic treatment. This recent research has shown berberine to be very good at helping in the insulin resistance problem associated with diabetes. This is very good news for those suffering with diabetes and even the pre-diabetic syndromes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance (that has not yet developed into diabetes), etc. This alone makes berberine a very important tool that can be used in turning these disease processes around. More recent research, just in the past several months actually, bring more to light on this fascinating compound.

There are many problems associated with diabetes, including eye disease, kidney problems and even the dreaded neuropathy of the lower extremities. Let's start with the later, the neuropathy, which is a very common disability for those with diabetes.

An article published in the November, 2013 issue of the scientific journal Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology demonstrated the effectiveness of berberine in attenuating the high glucose induced neurotoxicity. This neurotoxicity is the cause of the neuropathy in diabetic patients. The research even discovered that berberine could and did "markedly enhance nerve growth factor (NGF) expression and promoted neurite (nerve cell) outgrowth in high glucose-treated cells". What this means is that the berberine can cause new nerve cell growth and possible reversal of the neuropathy. That is a big 'WOW' if you are suffering from neuropathy.

Let's move on to the eyes, another known problem with diabetes. In the October, 2013 issue of Molecular Vision, a peer reviewed journal, looked at the evidence of eye pathology due to diabetes. The evidence has been pointing to the fact that leukocytes (white blood cells) are involved in the pathology known as diabetic retinopathy. Another of the dreaded complications of diabetes.

Here the researchers that, indeed, the leukocytes in diabetic patients kill the retinal endothelial cells, the cells lining the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels of the eye. They also found that berberine can inhibit the leukocyte-mediated killing of vascular endothelium. Just a side note; even though this was done on the vessels of the eye, all blood vessels have an endothelial lining, including the heart, a very important organ.

One of the most disturbing problems associated with glucose (sugar) impairment, including diabetes as well as the pre-diabetic syndromes, is the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in females. This is the root cause of many of the fertility issues facing the metabolically challenged young female today, and one we see frequently in our practice.

One of the common medical treatments for PCOS is to treat the glucose impairment problem with metformin, a diabetic drug. In a large number of the cases of PCOS metformin can be effective. In the July, 2013 issue of Clinical Endocrinology researchers found "Berberine has a more pronounced therapeutic effect and achieved more live births with fewer side effects than metformin". It seems that with berberine we have a totally new tool to help these female patients with PCOS.

We at Doctor's Nutrition have been aware of the emerging new benefits of berberine and that was behind our development of our recently released formula Berberine Max. In this formula we provide 500 mg of berberine as well as some co-factors needed for proper utilization and further protection of the diabetic or metabolically challenged patient. These include Folate (as 5-MTHF), grape seed extract, phosphatidylcholine, as well as R-lipoic acid. This makes Berberine Max a great tool in the fight against the revenges of high glucose and diabetes. Clinically, we have seen remarkable reductions in the Hgb A1c of those we have used this formula with. Considering all this new and developing research, we have great expectations for this formula. If you, or someone you know, are dealing with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, you need the protection and help provided in Berberine Max.

Monday, November 4, 2013

New research on the Green-Lipped Muscle (Perna canaliculus)

Osteoarthritis is a common problem that we all face as we grow older. Years of wear and tear and possible trauma to the joint and we have aches and pains that even if they aren't debilitating, they are very aggravating. Maybe just enough to stop us from enjoying a hobby or pastime that we love. If you are experiencing this, we have something that can help reduce some of the discomfort and let you start enjoying life again.

As someone with osteoarthritis you have probably been prescribed anti-inflammatory medication at some point. Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones that do not have G.I. (gastrointestinal) problems due to those NSAIDs, but most likely, you have had to deal with the side effects. Maybe you have tried Glucosamine sulfate that a friend recommended and got some relief. If you have contacted us at Doctor's Nutrition for our recommendation you are probably familiar with our PernaMax. PernaMax is our joint formula using the Green-lipped muscle or Perna canaliculus. Over the past 20 years we have had great results with those suffering with osteoarthritis when they began taking our Perna products.

As mentioned, most prescription therapies for osteoarthritis have G.I. complications. And as you may know, when the G.I. system gets disrupted, there are consequences in other areas. Recent research at the University of Queensland, School of Medicine in Australia found that the Green-lipped muscle and Glucosamine sulfate reduced the symptoms of osteoarthritis and did not cause damage to the G.I. tract. Actually, some positive changes were made, especially in the microbiota profiles; the most notable was a reduction of Clostridia bacteria. Clostridia is a potent modulator of colonic Th17 and CD4+ regulatory cells, known to have the effect of increasing inflammation in the G.I. tract. This in itself would be reason to take Perna canaliculus and Glucosamine sulfate. Hopefully you never have to deal with a Clostridia overgrowth in the G.I. tract, however, if you or someone you know has had that to deal with, you know that it is very unpleasant.

As mentioned, we have been using the Perna canaliculus for a long time and have come to refomulate our compound over the years adding extra Glucosamine sulfate to the formula. We also have added Boswellia for its anti-inflammatory effects as well. This makes PernaMax an excellent formula for the reduction of those pesky osteoarthritis symptoms as well as something that can help protect the gut. That is a win win situation.

If you or someone you know suffers with osteoarthritis symptoms, give us a call and try PernaMax. It just may change your life, and that is what we are all about, living healthy and being healthy.