Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scandel lurking in Obama Care??????

Since the beginning days of the Affordable Care act, aka, Obama Care, we have been told by the administration and their media wizards that it would make health care more affordable and accessible. The reality is not so far.

A recent article from Fox news, , makes clear that there are some serious issues with the law. We were told by the then speaker of the house, Pelosi, that they had to pass the law so they could find out what was in it. I have yet to find anyone that thought that was a good idea, but obviously our congress and senate went along with the insanity. Now that we are reading it, it isn't reading well at all.

The article points to things like costs, which have gone up, not down. One of the more serious unintended consequences that we at Doctor's Nutrition have noticed is the reduction in what the insurance companies are willing to pay for. We have had many patients come in that have health insurance, and have had for many years, and recently they were told by the insurance company that they would no longer pay for routine testing that had been done in the past. As one lady said, 'that was a shock'.

Also we were told the costs for insurance would go down. Ask yourself this question; have my premiums gone up or down? Up? I thought so. Mine too. And from what we are being told by insurance agents, don't expect anything but upward movement in that area.

So, typical government double speak, and less than what we bargained for.

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